If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve hosted a winter-themed needlepoint workshop in January for the past couple of years. But I decided to shake things up this year and we’re kicking 2021 off with our sure-to-be-oodles-of-fun Winter Stitch Challenge! It’s absolutely free and I’d love to have you join us.
I’m SUPER EXCITED about it!
Here are the Winter Stitch Challenge details that we have, so far…
It’s a five-day Challenge and it begins on January 25th.
We’ll get together on Zoom at 3:00 p.m. CST every day, Monday through Friday, January 25th – January 29th.
But don’t fret if you can’t join us live – we’ll record the calls and you can watch the replays at your convenience through February 4th.
During our time together, I’ll share 5 stitches that I believe every needlepointer should know + some tips for where and when to use them.
I’ll also tell you about some of my favorite threads that you can use to get a variety of different effects on your projects.
If you want to join me, click here to sign up now.
There are a few basic supplies you’ll want to gather if you plan to stitch along with me…
- a doodle canvas (I recommend an 8″ x 8″ blank piece of canvas in either 13 or 18 mesh)
- a stretcher frame (2 pairs of 8″ stretcher bars configured in a square)
- tapestry needles (#22 or #24)
- assorted threads (these can be leftovers from previous projects OR new threads if there’s something you’ve been especially wanting to try)
- embroidery scissors
- frame stand (optional)
- laying tool (optional)
If you know anybody who might want to join us for the Winter Stitch Challenge, please feel free to invite them…
The more the merrier!!
Click here to watch the episode of Needlepoint TV™ where I share more info.
And if you have any questions, please reach out to our Help Desk. We’re here for you!!
Alrighty – that’s all for now, my friend.
Until next time, happy stitching…
PS: If you want to make your very own Stitch Reference Notebook, click here to learn how!