Did you see Tuesday’s video over on Needlepoint TV™? In it, I shared 3 canvases that I’m trying to decide between for my December project. Right now, Mardi Gras Santa and Red Bird Santa are neck-in-neck in the voting results. In fact, Mardi Gras Santa is leading by a mere two votes. EEK!
Here are all three Santas…
Carol DuPree is the designer of the Auburn and Mardi Gras Santas. Curtis Boehringer is the artist who created Red Bird Santa. They’re all SOOOO cute and I just can’t make up my mind about which one I want to stitch next, so that’s why I’m asking for your help.
Each Santa has a special meaning…
Auburn Santa will be a gift for either Rick or Rebekah and Dan. They ALL went to Auburn (although Rebekah did come back “home” to Alabama to finish her degrees). 😉
Mardi Gras Santa is a “souvenir” canvas. I bought him on a trip to New Orleans that Rebekah and I took in the spring of 2017 – right before I closed my shop. He’s from The Needlework Vault, an adorable little shop on Magazine Street in Uptown (at that time). They have the BEST selection of NOLA canvases.
And finally, Red Bird Santa had to come home with me when I first saw him. I L-O-V-E cardinals! 🙂
So, which one would YOU like to see me stitch in December?
I’d love to have your input because I’m gonna share the different stitches and threads that I use here on the blog throughout December. If you have a Santa that you want to stitch, perhaps you’ll join me? That would be oodles of F-U-N, too!
Tell me which Santa is your fave down in the comments below and I’ll enter your name into a fun holiday giveaway that I’ll be drawing for next week. (I’ll announce the winner in next Tuesday’s weekly email. (Click here to sign up – if you’re not already on my email list – so that you’ll be among the first to know who’s getting the prize.)
We’re pulling out the Christmas decorations this weekend…
and I have a whole slew of ornaments that will be ready for me to pick up at Needleworks in about 2 weeks. I can hardly wait!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!
I’ll share pictures as soon as I have them in hand. 😉
Alrighty, my friend… that’s all for now!
Have a wonderful rest of your day and I’ll see you again soon. 🙂
PS: Be sure and tell me (in the comments box down below) which Santa you’d like to “armchair stitch” with me this month.

Mardi Gras parades and balls are cancelled this year, so every little bit of of spirit put out in the universe for it would help. I vote to stitch the Mardi Gras Santa and think good thoughts about New Orleans and the parades so they may continue in 2022. So says the native New Orleanian! 😉
BTW: I follow Karl Schill on his Facebook page and he paints some really cute canvases. I especially like his musically oriented ones and his “Colorful Puppies” canvas.
Hi Renee!
Love your reasons for stitching Mardi Gras Santa! Thank you for sharing with me here!! 🙂
I’ll announce the “winner” in tomorrow’s episode of Needlepoint TV™, so be sure and check it out. And yes, Karl has oodles of lovely canvases! He’s very talented!
Hi Ellen:
I vote for the Mardi Gras Santa! It sounds like you know just how to bring out the bling, and he would make a wonderful gift for Rebecca. Mementos of special events with loved ones are so precious, and what better way to mark the occasion.
Awww… Pamela, thank you for your sweet note. You’re always so very thoughtful and I appreciate you taking the time to share your vote for Mardi Gras Santa here with me.
Sending you lots of love…
I love them all, but the Red Bird won my heart!
He won my heart, too, Judi!
Never fear, though – even if Mardi Gras Santa wins out, I’ll share my progress on Red Bird Santa with my Stitcher’s Club members. 😉
I love your NOLA souvenir but would prefer to see you stitch the cardinal Santa. Selfishly, because I’m curious about stitch selection for the beard, fur, and coat.
Hi Cindy!
You’re not alone! Several people want to see Red Bird Santa’s coat and beard stitched. 😉
I’ve added your vote to my tally sheet and will announce the “winner” on tomorrow’s episode of Needlepoint TV™.
PLEASE do the Curtis! I want to see how you handle all of those swirls! Do you couch them, stitch them, choose a fancy stitch that mimics them? Soooooo many thoughts.
Hi Kristin!
Thank you so much for your note! I’ll definitely stitch Red Bird Santa – and if Mardi Gras Santa “wins”, I’ll make sure that all my Stitcher’s Club members get to follow along as I work on the Curtis Boehringer piece. Sound good? 😉
I vote the CB Santa – I love his artwork and the little bird will really POP!!! I look forward to seeing him Ellen!
Hi Leslie!
Thank you for sharing your vote for Red Bird Santa. Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s episode of Needlepoint TV™ to see which one I’ll be stitching!! 😉
Santa #3
Hi Bev!
Thank you for sharing your vote for Santa #3 here with me. I’ve added it to my tally sheet.
I vote for Mardi Gras.
Thank you, Karen! I’ve added your vote for Mardi Gras Santa to the tally sheet.
#2 – I love the colors!
Mardi Gras Santa is pretty cute, isn’t he? Thank you for sharing your vote, Linda! It’s been added to the tally.
I vote for the Mardi Gras Santa. As I live in Louisiana that would be my choice. Have to have Mardi Gras somehow as parades in New Orleans are cancelled and the ones in The Acadiana are still undecided
Thank you for sharing your vote for Mardi Gras Santa with me here, Laraine! I’ll let y’all know which one it’s going to be in tomorrow’s episode of Needlepoint TV™!
Please stitch the NOLA Santa – first nominated Auburn Santa but I know that is in a distant 3rd place now.
Hi Gwen!
I’ve added your vote for Mardi Gras Santa to the list – and I’ve put Auburn Santa on the calendar for next Christmas! 😉
Leaving a comment to be entered for the prize.. and Santa #1!
You’re all set – and your vote for Santa #1 is counted! Thank you!!