
Straight stitches are a terrific way to add texture to your needlepoint projects.

Using Straight Stitches on Your Needlepoint Canvases

By Ellen Johnson / August 6, 2020

Ready to dive into some stitches that you can use to embellish your needlepoint canvases? Terrific! Me, too. Let’s chat just a minute about stitch families before we get started, though. When you understand how stitches are grouped in families (and how those families relate to each other), it helps make choosing the best ones … Read more

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Choosing stitches and threads for your canvases is just part of the process for writing a stitch guide.

Choosing Stitches for an Ornament

By Ellen Johnson / July 23, 2020

This week’s blog post is a blast from the past – and it’s chock full of terrific information about writing your own stitch guides… Ellen Johnson

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Texture in Needlepoint

By Ellen Johnson / July 9, 2020

Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”  Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m starting a needlepoint blog post about texture with a quote from Henry Ford, aren’t you? Well, it actually has more to do with needlepoint than you might think. Ellen Johnson

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