WOW… what a topsy turvy week! You’ve been on my mind and in my heart. I hope that all is well with you and yours. We’re hunkered down here at home, doing our part to help “flatten the curve”. We’ve been to the grocery store and filled our prescriptions – and now, we wait. Just like you. There are so darned many “unknowns” about this new coronavirus. But you know what? I have confidence that we’ll get through it – and that we’ll come out on the “other side” much stronger and more resilient. In the meanwhile, I was inspired by all of you to create an online gathering space for stitchers. It’s called “Stitching with Ellen“…
It seems that almost everybody has more time on their hands these days.
I know you probably have oodles and oodles of projects in your stash to keep you busy. But stitching alone isn’t nearly as much fun as gathering with kindred spirits who share your love of needlepoint. Sooo… this past Tuesday, I announced a brand new virtual stitching circle. So far, we’ve had more than 150 people join us for Stitching with Ellen. Isn’t that amazing?!
I’d love for you to join us, too…
All you need to do is click here and sign up for my weekly emails, then you’ll be good to go! Right now, we’re gathering 3 times per week. Here’s how it works…
First, brew yourself a nice warm cuppa and settle into your favorite stitching chair. We always take a few minutes to get centered when we log onto Zoom. Then, I share a how-to stitch video, along with some different ways that you can use the stitch on your canvases. Next, we have “show and tell” time where you have the opportunity to show us what you’re working on. And all the while, we’re stitching together – side by side – in the comfort of our own homes. Isn’t it wonderful that we can still connect and create together even if we’re doing it at a distance?
I already have 3 sessions of Stitching with Ellen on the calendar for next week:
- Tuesday, March 24: 12 noon – 1 p.m. CDT
- Wednesday, March 25: 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. CDT
- Friday, March 27: 2 p.m. – 3 pm. CDT
And, of course, we’ll still have our weekly episode of Needlepoint TV™ on Thursday afternoons at 3:00 p.m. CDT on the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook page. So that means we’ll get to see each other almost every weekday next week. 😉
I’ll add more sessions for the following weeks, too. We’re just getting things off the ground right now. 🙂
There’s a set of free patterns for Christmas lightbulb ornaments…
inside the Serendipity Needleworks Circle of Friends Facebook group, too. That’s the fun new project I’ll be working on during Stitching with Ellen, starting next Tuesday. Hop over and request to join if you’re not already a member. The more the merrier! Here’s a picture of one of the ornaments…
*UPDATE: This Facebook Group has closed! Are you on our Serendipity Needleworks NeedleNotes list? That’s where we share tips, ideas, events, and cheer each other on and I’d love to have you join me, so click here to subscribe. I’ll see you there! 😉
The patterns are from our friends at Rainbow Gallery. There are 13 different designs and they make terrific stash-busting projects. You can also use the stitches I’m sharing in the “how-to” videos to make even more Christmas lightbulbs. It’s the perfect way to get some practice on those canvas embroidery stitches (including compensating!) with the added bonus of having something pretty when you finish. And that’s a winner winner chicken dinner in my book! 😉
Remember, we’ll be gathering again on Tuesday, so be sure and sign up for my weekly emails to get the link to join us for Stitching with Ellen. I’ll see you there!
PS: If you have any questions or need help with anything, please reach out. Click here to send us an email. We’re here for you!

I absolutely love needlepoint! I also love quilting. I never get bored with either so it’s difficult to move from one to the other! I’ve somewhat resolved the issue by quilting on my sewing machine during the day and picking up my needlepoint in the evening when it’s time to relax. I love your emails. Even though I’m a beginner at needlepoint, your encouragement keeps me going. Thank you! (By the way, I’m an avid reader too. Not sure how to fit that in too😅)
Hi Christine!
I L-O-V-E needlepoint, too!! And thank you so much for your kind words. It means the world to me!
I’m with you about never getting bored! While I’m not much of a quilter, I do like to embroider and knit and crochet, so I never get tired of any of my projects. (I also take a wee bit longer to finish things than a lot of people because I like to do so many different things. Eek!) Oh – and I like to read, too! 🙂
Sakes alive – we just need more hours in the day, don’t we?!
Have a terrific rest of your day and I’ll “see” you soon. 😉
Love your work!!!
Thank you so very much, Kathryn! That’s very kind of you.
Ellen 🙂
Hello Ellen:
Jill here, again! 🙂 I’m behind, had to get my supplies and canvas – I live in a very rural area in Michigan (the UP) so took some time. is there an easy way to make the doodle canvas that you have with the squares.
Thanks for your time….. 🙂
Hi Jill
Thank you for your note. This blog post has a freebie attached to it that you can request. It’ll give you all the details on how to mark your doodle canvas. Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m here for you!
Ellen 🙂