Well, my friend… a very fun-filled week 3 of Stitch 23 in 23 is all sewn up (teehee!) – but we have two more days of needlepoint goodness before I draw the winners of our prizes. (You didn’t think I forgot about that, did you? 😉 )
If you missed week 1, click here to catch up and and if want to see what we did in week 2, click here.
Now, here’s the recap of Stitch 23 in 23 Week 3 …
On Monday, February 6th, we chatted about using multi-colored threads on your needlepoint projects.
Working with multi-colored threads (think over-dyed, hand painted, etc.) can be a wee bit daunting, but I have a tip that will help you keep that lovely flow of colors in each skein intact.
Watch the video below to find out what it is…
And if you’d like to take a deeper dive into the wonderful world of stitching with multi-colored threads, be sure to check out this episode of Needlepoint TV™:
Please share your favorite multi-colored thread in the comments below, too. We’d love to know what it is!
On Tuesday, February 7th…
We talked about how you can make your canvases sparkle with Entice!
This delightful thread is from our friends at Rainbow Gallery. It hasn’t been around as long as some of their other threads, but there are already more than 240 gorgeous colors available!
And speaking of color, I think the reason I like working with Entice so much is because the colors are SO vivid. I used it on the letters on this Birds of a Feather Alphabet Sampler I stitched for Mama a few years ago.
Each card of Entice holds 12 yards. You may use it on both 13 and 18 mesh canvas, but you’ll get fuller coverage on 18 mesh.
Cut your pieces approximately 16” long when working with this thread.
And now that I’ve shared one of my favorite sparkly threads with you, I want to know…
What’s your favorite thread for adding sparkle to a canvas? Share it in the comments below.
Moving right along, on Wednesday, February 8th…
I shared how needlepoint is like exercise for your brain!
And if you’ve ever tried to make a decorative stitch fit into a weird shape on your needlepoint canvas, then you know what I’m talking about!
Using your mind to figure out how to make that stitch fit can be like working a really hard jigsaw puzzle!
Here are two more ways you can exercise your brain while stitching…
🧵Whether it’s trying a new-to-you stitch or technique – learning and engaging your brain helps establish neural pathways and that makes your mind sharp.
🧵Connecting with others who share your love of needlepoint stimulates your brain, so find a stitching buddy and keep your gray matter going strong!
What’s the most challenging stitch you’ve ever tried? Tell me in the comments below. 😉
Then, on Thursday, February 9th…
I shared my all-time favorite thread!
I’m a huge fan of this splendiferous (teehee… I couldn’t resist! 😉) 100% spun silk thread – for a LOT of reasons.
First, it’s divisible. Twelve individual strands of silk thread are twisted together into 3 bundles of 4 strands each, making it easy-peasy to divide.
Next, the twist of each strand is tighter than most silk threads and that makes it easier to use, too. In fact, if you’ve used cotton embroidery floss, you’ll have no trouble using Splendor.
And finally, you can use however many strands you need to achieve your desired coverage.
Cut your pieces from 15″ – 18″ long and remember to keep a short tail (approximately 2”) in the eye of your needle. This will prevent the eye from cutting or fraying your thread in multiple places.
And now it’s time for you to tell me… what’s your favorite thread?
Friday, February 10th, was all about the woven stitch.
It’s quite versatile – and you can change the look of it depending upon which thread you choose.
Here are a few ways you can use the woven plait stitch on your needlepoint projects…
- Baskets
- Bird nests
- Cornucopias
- Grass
- Sand
- Santa’s bag
- Treetops
Click here to hop over to the Serendipity Needleworks YouTube Channel to watch the video – and while you’re there, be sure to click that red subscribe button (and the little bell) so that you get an update every time I post a new video.
And please share your favorite textured stitches in the comments below. 🙂
That brings us up to date with Stitch 23 in 23…
because – whoopsie daisy – I forgot to share anything yesterday. I was so busy getting ready for my special Winter Animals Snippets class that I totally forgot. (Eek!)
I have two more fun shares for you, though – so keep an eye on our social media channels here and here on Monday, February 13th and Tuesday, February 14th.
Oh – and before I go… I’ll be teaching a workshop on choosing stitches and threads for your needlepoint projects in a little over a week.
Click here to learn more about how you can join the fun!
Alrighty – that’s all for now, my friend. Thank you ever so much for stopping by to say hello. 🙂
Until next time, happy stitching…

Having Fun with stitch 23 in 23. Very inspiring and helping me find the time each day to stop for even a few minutes and enjoying stitching on a project.
YAY!! 🙂
Was the Animal Snippets class taped? I was working and missed it… 😢
Yes, it was. It’s in your Stitcher’s Club Member Portal. 🙂
I really like the Algerian eye stitch to use & I think French knots are so versatile to add texture to a canvas.
French knots for the WIN! You know how I adore making them… 😉
I love using Weeks Dye Works threads. They have the greatest color variations and useful on many designs.
Kreinik is my go to sparkly thread especially on Christmas ornaments.
My favorite woven stitch is the Parisian.
My all time favorite thread is anything silk. Splendor is my go to then Vineyard Silk classic.
You’re a gal after my own heart, Brie! Those are some of my favorite threads, too!! 🙂
Learned a bunch from the animal /bird thread/stitches class. Thank you
I’m so glad, Beth! It was so much fun for me to put that together. Keep an eye out for more classes like it coming your way this year. 😉