Well, hello there! I’m so happy to have you here with me today. I have some extra exciting news to share! Are you ready? Okey dokey – cue the confetti…
It’s time for the SPRING STITCH CHALLENGE! Yep – I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the season than by hosting another Stitch Challenge. You know how I love teaching and this Challenge will give me the opportunity to share a few stitches for your spring-themed canvases (think flowers and trees and butterflies!).
Here’s some info so you can mark your calendar now…
The Spring Stitch Challenge starts on May 17th. It will last for 5 days, which means that we’ll wrap things up on Friday, May 21st. We’ll meet every week night at 7:30 CDT on ZOOM. (We’ll send you a time zone conversion chart when you sign up. That way, you’ll be sure to show up at the right time. I realize that those time zone differences can get super confusing! 😉 )
We’ll chat about 5 of my favorite stitches (1 each day) that I like to use for the design components that you’ll find on spring-y needlepoint canvases. Things like flowers and trees and birds and butterflies. I’ll also share some of my favorite threads with you.
If you want join the fun, click here to sign up now.
And invite your stitching friends, too… the more the merrier! 🙂
There are a few materials that you’ll need if you plan to stitch along with me…
- a doodle canvas (I suggest an 8″ x 8″ piece of blank canvas – either 13 mesh or 18 mesh)
- stretcher bar frame (2 pairs of stretcher bars, 8″ long, assembled into a square)
- tacks to attach your canvas to the frame
- tapestry needles – #22 or #24
- threads that you will enjoy stitching with (or some that you’ve been eager to try!)
- embroidery scissors
- laying tool (optional)
- frame stand (optional)
Make sure that your doodle canvas is ready to go on the 17th…
First, you’ll want to tape the sides of your canvas so that your threads won’t snag on the rough edges. (I use 1″ artist’s tape.)
Be sure to mark the top edge, then attach your canvas to the stretcher bars using the tacks. (Click here to watch my episode of Needlepoint TV™ that’s all about attaching your canvas to the frame.)
If you decide you want to mark your canvas so that you have a little box for each stitch, click here to hop over and read my blog post about creating a stitch reference notebook. I think you’ll find it super helpful! (And be sure to download my free Stitch Notebook FunSheet Bundle! 😉 )
Of course, you don’t have to mark your canvas…
Whatever you decide to do, I suggest that you practice the new stitch after each session so that you get the hang of it. You know what they say… practice makes permanent!! 🙂
I really hope you’ll join us for the Spring Stitch Challenge.
We have so much fun stitching and learning together. I especially enjoy seeing all of your beautiful faces – and learning where you’re from. Of course, I also L-O-V-E revisiting some of my favorite stitches and threads – and sharing why I like them so much with wonderful Y-O-U!
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to our Help Desk. We’re here for you!! 🙂
I hope I see you on ZOOM for the Spring Stitch Challenge!
Until next time, happy stitching…
PS: If you want to use the Spring Stitch Challenge to jumpstart making your very own stitch reference notebook, click here to sign up now.

I After the spring challenge and was not able to watch it live. How can I watch the episodes now before the deadline?
Hi Mary
Please send an email to our Help Desk. Rylie will be glad to assist you.