When I first began my needlepoint journey, I had no idea that needlepoint would become a lifelong hobby, let alone my vocation! I’m so thankful that it did, though.
So…how did my needlepoint journey begin?
Well, it all started with my grandmother, Granny. She was my father’s mother and she was an avid needle worker. I can’t be sure, but my guess is that she knew how to do just about anything you could imagine with a needle and thread.
When I was 7 years old, she taught me how to do embroidery. I stitched dresser scarves and pillowcases until nobody in our family needed any more of those.
Then, she taught me how to do needlepoint – and I’ve been stitching ever since. You can watch me tell my needlepoint story here on Serendipity TV™. (And while you’re there, be sure to click on the black “subscribe” button so you don’t miss any of the new episodes that will begin airing in September… squeeeee!!! 😉 )
Never heard of a “needlepoint journey”…
and wondering what the heck it is? Well, I like to think of it as the path you travel in your needlepoint hobby.
Maybe you’re a beginning stitcher. Or, perhaps, you’re an intermediate needlepointer. You might even be an advanced needlepoint artist!
Just like your life is unlike anybody else’s, your needlepoint journey is unique to you, too. You have a one-of-a-kind perspective that you bring to your projects when you sit down to stitch and that’s what makes them so special – just like YOU! 🙂
If you’re a beginning stitcher, your focus is on establishing a solid foundation of needlepoint skills.
That means you’re learning all about tools and materials – and you’re practicing the essential needlepoint stitch, the tent stitch. You’re also mastering how to start and end your threads properly – so nothing comes undone.
But that’s not all a beginning stitcher needs to know. There’s a lot more – like…
- how to use a laying tool when working with more than one strand of thread in your needle
- using a frame so your stitches look smoother and more even
- conquering basket weave – the diagonal variation of the tent stitch (and the most commonly used variation in the US because of its durability)
Those are the kinds of things I teach in Needlepoint Made Easy™.
If you haven’t already taken it, you can learn more about it here. It’s a terrific entry level class for beginning stitchers – and it’s also a really good refresher if you’re just coming back to needlepoint after having taken a break from it. (If you’re self-taught and, perhaps, have some less-than-stellar habits you need to correct, it’s great for helping you identify those and correcting them, too. 😉 )
Once you master the basics, you can dive into the wonderful world of decorative stitches.
As you move along on your needlepoint journey and become an intermediate needlepointer, you’ll begin to explore using different canvas embroidery stitches and fancy threads to embellish your projects.
I usually recommend that you begin by testing out lots of different threads. You can create a fabulous piece of needlepoint when you work an entire canvas in the tent stitch (aka basket weave) using silks, metallics, and other novelty threads.
When you’re ready to add some extra pizazz to your projects, you’ll likely want to start using decorative stitches. It’s always a good idea to start with a small project that includes a professionally written stitch guide. That’ll give you the direction you need, but without the added pressure of trying to figure out which stitches to use where.
There are literally hundreds of decorative stitches – from very simple to incredibly complex. Learning about those – and how you can pair them with different threads to create ahhhh-mazing special effects is part of what we do inside The Stitcher’s Club™. You can learn more about it here.
Developing a stitch repertoire and gaining experience with a variety of needlepoint threads will enable you to continue on your needlepoint journey to becoming a needlepoint artist.
Just like there are fine artists: painters, sculptors, musicians (and more!), there are fiber artists. Yes, needlepoint is typically considered a “craft”, but when your unique background of experiences influences the threads and stitches you select to bring a two-dimensional painted canvas to life, needlepoint becomes art. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. (Getting off my soap box now… teehee 😉 )
As a needlepoint artist, your needlepoint journey involves refining your skills, adding new techniques and stitches to your stitch repertoire, and continuing to expand your horizons. You’ll also find yourself sharing your knowledge with new stitchers to ensure that needlepoint continues to grow and thrive.
In a couple of weeks, I’ll share information about a FREE special event that I’ll be hosting in September. I can’t spill the beans just yet, but I wanted to let you know so you can save the date for September 12 – 27. It’s a 2 week needlepoint extravaganza and you’re not going to want to miss it!
Alrighty – that’s all for now, my friend. I hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see you again soon.

Looking forward to reading your tips. I have always been self-taught now, I will be confident I’m doing my work confidently,
Hi Carroll!
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!