5 Easy Ways To Jumpstart Your Creativity

Artists use a variety of techniques to spark their creativity.

Unleash Your Creativity!

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to choosing stitches and threads for your needlepoint projects? Yes, it’s easier to fall back on those tried and true options that always seem to work, but where’s your sense of adventure? Wouldn’t it be fun to unleash your creativity and explore new possibilities? Of course, it would! So, whaddya’ say we take a peek at some of the daily habits that artists use to jumpstart their imagination?

Use a doodle canvas to test out different thread/stitch combinations.

#1: Let go of “perfect”.

I know – it can be reeaaalllly hard to do, but trying to achieve perfection can kill your creativity. Are you familiar with “analysis paralysis”? That’s what happens when you get stuck because you’re in pursuit of the perfect stitch or the perfect thread or the perfect beads. (You get the idea, right?)

The antidote to analysis paralysis is action. So, instead of second-guessing yourself for the umpteenth time, remind yourself that you don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get going. How do you do that? Get our your doodle canvas and “test drive” some stitch/thread combinations. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like what you come up with at first… keep going. And before you know it, you’ll find a match that you can’t wait to try on your project.

Take a walk through a beautiful garden to jumpstart your creativity.

#2: Establish some “me” time.

Beauty fuels your imagination, so schedule some time to visit an art gallery or museum. Take a walk in the park or trek over to the local botanical gardens. Pour yourself a tasty cuppa and browse through that stack of magazines or dive deep into Pinterest. (It’s a treasure trove of inspiration, but just so you don’t fall down the Pinterest rabbit hole, set a timer on your phone for 30 minutes. You can even use a kitchen timer if you don’t have a smartphone.)

All of these are terrific ways to spark creativity. And you might even want to make an Inspiration Journal. (I’ll share more about that next week.)

The Stitcher's Club is your online needlepoint resource center.

#3: When in doubt, ask for help.

Two heads are better than one – especially if one of them is yours and you’re stuck in analysis paralysis. (See #1.) Our Stitcher’s Club Community is a fantabulous online resource that provides round-the-clock support from me and your fellow members. Plus – the member portal is available for you to access any time of the day or night, as long as you have an internet connection. Membership is only open a few times a year, but you can click here to get more info on how to be the first to know when we’re taking new members again. 🙂

Explore different thread and stitch combinations to jumpstart your creativity.

#4: Be impulsive.

When you have a sudden burst of inspiration, don’t hold it in. Instead, go ahead and try that brighter-than-you’d-normally-use green for the leaves on those flowers. Or, rather than just beading part of the ornament, bead the whole darn thing!

Trust your intuition and let go of the “rules” you always follow. Let your inner creative spirit shine. What’s the worst that can happen? Okay – maybe you have to do a little “frogging”, but that just means you get extra enjoyment out of your canvas, right? 😉 It’s all a matter of perspective, dear friend.

Use a doodle canvas to unleash your creativity and explore the possibilities for your needlepoint projects.

#5: Failure is just a split second before success!

Be open to taking risks with your needlepoint projects. You’re an artist – a fiber artist – and all artists experiment with different techniques and mediums. They’re willing to try something new or different – and they’re willing to fail. Failing at something is how you learn. (Remember that quote I shared over on Instagram a couple of weeks ago?)

And that brings us back to doodle canvases. How so? Well, a doodle canvas gives you the ground upon which to play with different threads, stitches, and embellishments. It’s the perfect alternative for testing your idea out before applying it to your real project. If you don’t have one, get one ASAP. (And click here to send me an email for help in securing one if you don’t have a local needlework shop.)

So, now you have 5 different ideas for jumpstarting your creativity whenever you feel stuck. You don’t have to do all of them – just choose one and give it try.

Before you go, would you do me a favor and tell me if there’s a particular tip that really resonates with you? If there is, please share it with me in the comments box below. I love hearing from you! I read every single note. 😉

Alrighty – that’s all for now, my friend.

Until next time, happy stitching.

Stitch with a smile!



PS: Are you on our Serendipity Needleworks NeedleNotes list? That’s where we share tips, ideas, events, and cheer each other on and I’d love to have you join me, so click here to subscribe. I’ll see you there! 😉


2 thoughts on “5 Easy Ways To Jumpstart Your Creativity”

  1. “Let go of perfect” is definitely an issue for me in several areas of life. I remember reading a somewhere that “Perfection can paralyze you”. I laughed at the time and thought it was silly. With time I’ve realized the truth of this statement.

    • Hi Christa!
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write. It’s always great to hear from you. Yes, perfection can be a nasty bugger. Whenever I see it creeping in, I just repeat this little mantra over and over – “you don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get going”. Nine times out of ten, it works. And if I get really stuck, I just walk away and take a break for about 15 – 30 minutes, and do something completely different. Most times, when I go back to whatever it was, the block has cleared and I’m ready to go again.
      Have a lovely rest of your day!
      Ellen 🙂


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Serendipity Needleworks

Hi, I’m Ellen. A needlepoint teacher and author dedicated to helping motivated but overwhelmed stitchers at every stage find exactly what they need to stitch with confidence. Whether you’re just dipping your toe into the needlepoint world or you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, I’ve fine-tuned a learning experience just for you.

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