We’re in the final week of the 2020 Stitch Challenge! Oodles of stitchers are gathering together every weeknight at 8:00 p.m. CDT and you can still join us. (We have 2 more nights together – YAY!!) If you’re already part of the Challenge, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for joining me! Last night, one of our stitchers asked me to share some of my favorite tools for needlepoint and since our time was limited, I’m sharing a few of them with you here now. 🙂
Here are five tools I believe every stitcher needs…
They’re in alphabetical order because they’re all reeaaalllly handy and I think you’re gonna want to have all of them. 😉
Of course, there are oodles of other tools that you’ll want to add to your toolbox, too, but this is a terrific place to start – especially if you’re a new stitcher.
Bead Box
You have a couple of options when it comes to bead boxes. You can buy one like the one in the picture below (from Accoutrement Designs) or you can make one. I have both kinds. Oh – and there’s a blog post about using beads on your needlepoint canvases here on the website that you’re definitely gonna want to read, too. 😉
Bunka Brush
A Bunka brush is a nifty little gadget that you can use to fluff up furry threads, turkey work, and other fuzzy stitches. It’s especially useful on wool, wool blend, alpaca, and mohair threads. I sometimes use it (very gently!) on Fuzzy Stuff and Rainbow Angora, too. 😉
Laying Tools
Laying tools help you manage your threads and stitches. I use mine primarily when working with stranded threads and silk ribbons.
Laying tools are made from all kinds of different materials – from rosewood and porcupine quills to hand-blown glass and stainless steel. My all-time favorite laying tools are made from wood, though. (Maybe it’s because Rick is a forester… teehee!). I L-O-V-E my wooden laying tools because they feel so nice in my hand. They’re very smooth and lightweight.
Stitcher’s Best Friend
The Stitcher’s Best Friend is great for removing stitches, tying in loose threads, and repairing finished projects. You can also use the Stitcher’s Best Friend as a laying tool. 😉
Thread Zap
The Thread Zap II is one of the handiest tools that I have in my toolbox. The metal tip heats instantly with the push of a button so you can singe/melt threads that have a tendency to unravel quickly and easily. Voilá – no more fraying ends on Flair, Neon Rays, Water n’ Ice, and more! And it’s battery-operated, too!
So there you have it… five “must-have” tools that every stitcher needs! Be sure and join me on Tuesday afternoon for another episode of Needlepoint TV™ where we’ll chat about more handy stitching tools. And in case you’re new to the Serendipity Needleworks family, Needlepoint TV™ airs on YouTube and Facebook every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. CDT.
Alrighty – that’s all for now.
Until next time, happy stitching…