
Beautiful blue sky with white wispy clouds.

A Charming Needlepoint Stitch for Clouds

By Ellen Johnson / April 16, 2019

Bluebird skies with wispy white clouds… that’s what we’re gonna take a peek at this week. Well, actually, it’s the clouds that we’ll be shining the spotlight on here. I just love wispy white clouds, don’t you? Especially when they’re floating up there in a bright blue sky like the one you see in the … Read more

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"Careen's Cottage" by Sandra Gilmore

A Terrific Needlepoint Stitch For Trees…

By Ellen Johnson / April 9, 2019

Spring has sprung in Alabama… The trees are sporting bright green leaves, the azaleas are in full bloom, and the birds are singing, so let’s have some more fun with springtime stitches and threads! Whaddya say we take a peek at a stitch that you can use for the trees on your needlepoint canvases, like … Read more

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A Superb Stitch For Grass On Your Painted Canvases

By Ellen Johnson / March 12, 2019

Well hello there, lovely! It’s so nice to have you here with me today. Can you believe that next Wednesday is the first day of spring? I’m so, sooo glad, too! I just love it when everything starts to bloom and grow. The trees in my yard are beginning to sprout tiny little leaves and … Read more

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