
Beads add a touch of sparkle and pizazz to your needlepoint projects.

To Bead Or Not To Bead…

By Ellen Johnson / November 19, 2019

Have you ever used beads on your needlepoint projects? I L-O-V-E to add them to my canvases and I’m about to embark on a lot of beading with my new project. I’m planning to use a brick beading technique on the word “Believe”, so the process won’t be quite as intense as if I were … Read more

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Testing Background Stitches For My New Canvas

By Ellen Johnson / November 13, 2019

IT’S SO COLD! We’re getting an early taste of winter here in Alabama this week. In fact, it’s 33 degrees (F) outside and it’s not going to get above 39 today. Eek! So, while I’m snuggled by the fire with a steaming cup of Vive le Thé, I thought it’d be fun to share one … Read more

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Writing a stitch guide for my new needlepoint canvas...

Writing A Stitch Guide For My New Needlepoint Canvas…

By Ellen Johnson / November 5, 2019

Well, whaddya’ know… we’re already to November! Eek! I can hardly believe it, can you? I’m super-busy getting ready for the “unveiling” of the new Stitcher’s Club member portal in January, but I’m trying to stay on track with my daily commitment to stitching for an hour every afternoon. I figure if I post my … Read more

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