
Why Needlepoint?

By Ellen Johnson / March 26, 2020

There are oodles of good reasons to pick up needlepoint as a hobby. Of course, I may be a little biased. 😉 My “whys” for stitching are pretty simple, though… It provides me with a creative outlet. It helps me to relax. It’s something that I can do just about anywhere at any time. And … Read more

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Stitching with Ellen - a virtual stitching circle for needlepointers

Stitching with Ellen

By Ellen Johnson / March 21, 2020

WOW… what a topsy turvy week! You’ve been on my mind and in my heart. I hope that all is well with you and yours. We’re hunkered down here at home, doing our part to help “flatten the curve”. We’ve been to the grocery store and filled our prescriptions – and now, we wait. Just … Read more

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Seven self-care tips for keeping your immune system happy...

Self-Care for Needlepointers

By Ellen Johnson / March 12, 2020

Self-care is always a good idea, but it’s especially important right now. COVID-19 (aka, novel coronavirus 2019) is all over the news. In fact, it’s hard to turn on the television or scroll through social media without seeing a reference to it. In response to all of the media hype, I can’t think of a … Read more

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