the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.

the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.
Why Do You Needlepoint?
Last Friday, my friend, Elizabeth, asked me why I like to do needlepoint. Instinctively, I said "well, my grandmother taught me when I was 9 and it's just something I've always done". But the more I thought about her question,...
All About The Diamond Ray Stitch
Winter doesn't officially begin until December 21st, but since we're almost there, let's take a peek at a stitch that you can use on your winter themed canvases... the diamond ray stitch! Read more
A Christmas Ornament for Ruth
A Christmas ornament is such a lovely way to commemorate a special occasion. And this year, we have a very special event to celebrate in our family... the birth of baby Ruth! I have a couple of ornaments that I...
Scissors for Needlepoint
Every needlepointer needs a good pair of scissors. With all of the different kinds available today, I'm here to help you cut through (teehee... sorry, I couldn't resist!) the clutter and find the perfect pair for you! Read more
Three Terrific Wool Needlepoint Threads
Why use wool needlepoint thread when there are so many other interesting options available to today's stitchers? I believe it can be summed up in two words: durability and color. Read more
All About The Byzantine Stitch
The Byzantine stitch is one of the first canvas embroidery stitches that I learned. It's one of the most versatile stitch patterns of all - and you'll find a LOT of variations of it in your stitch books. In fact,...
Needlepoint Stitches for Small Spaces
So, you have a cute little ornament that you want to stitch for a special someone. And you'd like to jazz it up with decorative stitches, but all of the design components are SO small! Which needlepoint stitches can you...
Choosing Needlepoint Threads For Your Projects
Choosing needlepoint threads for a painted canvas is one of my favorite things about stitching. But if you're a newer needlepointer, or if you've been away from our favorite hobby for a while, or if you don't live near a...
4 Needlepoint Myths and How to Avoid Them
If you've ever worked a needlepoint canvas using a professional stitch guide, you know the difference that decorative stitches and fancy threads can make in your finished project. The added texture and sparkle bring a flat 2-dimensional design to life...
All About Weeks Dye Works Embroidery Floss
Weeks Dye Works six strand floss is a hand over-dyed divisible Egyptian cotton embroidery floss. There are currently 343 exquisite colors available. Most of them are quite subtle, but some of the colors are wildly variegated. Aren't they gorgeous? Weeks...
How To Tap Into Your Creativity
Have you ever gotten stuck on a needlepoint project? You know - been absotively posilutely unable to find a decorative stitch that will work for that space on your canvas? Maybe you've tried 3 or 4 (or 7!) different ones...
The Reversed Mosaic Stitch
It's National Needlepoint Month, so I thought we'd celebrate by taking a closer look at one of my all-around favorite stitches - the reversed mosaic stitch! Read more
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