the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.

the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.
A Needlepoint Stitch For Rivers and Lakes
Well hello, there! Are you ready for this week's destination on the encore Threadventure tour? Great! Hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me and we'll take our magical virtual vacation tour bus to our next stop on the shores of lovely...
A Needlepoint Stitch for Streets
Hi there! Are you ready to revisit this week's destination on the encore Threadventure tour? Great! Hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me and we'll take our magical virtual vacation bus to our next stop, bustling New York City! There's always...
A Needlepoint Stitch For Buildings
Hi there! Are you ready to revisit another fun destination from last year's Threadventure? Great! Hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me and we'll take our magical virtual vacation tour bus to our next stop - Washington, D.C. - where we'll...
A Needlepoint Stitch For Mountains
Hi there! I'm soooo happy to see you again. Ready to hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me as we revisit beautiful Asheville, North Carolina where mountains and stunning mountain vistas await us? Read more
A Needlepoint Stitch for Sand
Well hello there, lovely! I hope you're having a happy week. We're about to kick off the 2019 Summer Threadventure inside The Stitcher's Club and I'm super excited about our destination. We're headed across the pond to jolly old England...
Jingle in July… a Needlepoint Retreat
What do you get when you gather 14 stitchers together? Oodles and oodles of fun - and a lot of stitching gets done, too! Last week, I hosted Jingle in July right here in my hometown of Tuscaloosa. We had...
Love, Needlepoint, And Pandora Radio
Hi there! I'm so happy you're here with me again today. Usually, I love to chat about all things needlepoint, but this blog post is waaaaay different from the others on this website. It's sparked by an experience I had...
Using Arctic Rays Needlepoint Thread
Hi there! Welcome back. It's always nice to have you here with me. Things are hopping in the studio this week. I'm putting the finishing touches on the cutie-pie canvas that Diane (from Pepperberry Designs) created especially for my Jingle...
Finishing Your Needlepoint
It's almost that time of year again... time to gather up the projects you've been working on and send them off to the finisher. The deadline for holiday finishing is rapidly approaching. It seems like it's getting earlier and earlier...
A Little Fire Prevention Goes A Long Way
Hello, lovelies! It's so nice to be here with you today. It always makes me smile when I get to spend time with wonderful Y-O-U! You may already know this, but in case you don't, our home at Key Harbour...
5 Easy Ways To Jumpstart Your Creativity
Unleash Your Creativity! Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut when it comes to choosing stitches and threads for your needlepoint projects? Yes, it's easier to fall back on those tried and true options that always seem...
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