the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.

the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.
Winter Wonderland Needlepoint Workshop
I'm scurrying around making plans for my BRAND NEW online workshop that's happening on January 11th. It's the "Winter Wonderland Needlepoint Workshop" and it's gonna be soooo much fun!!! Grab yourself a nice warm cuppa and I'll tell you all...
Where’d My Needlepoint Mojo Go?
Have you lost your needlepoint mojo? It's one of the biggest challenges that a stitcher struggles with... picking up your needlepoint again. It's so easy to lose your rhythm - especially at holiday time. There's always something more pressing to do,...
To Bead Or Not To Bead…
Have you ever used beads on your needlepoint projects? I L-O-V-E to add them to my canvases and I'm about to embark on a lot of beading with my new project. I'm planning to use a brick beading technique on...
Testing Background Stitches For My New Canvas
IT'S SO COLD! We're getting an early taste of winter here in Alabama this week. In fact, it's 33 degrees (F) outside and it's not going to get above 39 today. Eek! So, while I'm snuggled by the fire with...
Writing A Stitch Guide For My New Needlepoint Canvas…
Well, whaddya' know... we're already to November! Eek! I can hardly believe it, can you? I'm super-busy getting ready for the "unveiling" of the new Stitcher's Club member portal in January, but I'm trying to stay on track with my...
Grab-n-Go Stitches
Grab-n-Go Stitches is a handy little on-the-go stitch book by the Lone Star Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild. It's a humdingerdoozy of a volume that's chock full of more than 450 stitch illustrations that you can use for your...
Revisiting Needlepoint Stitch Pathways
Last week, we chatted about needlepoint stitch pathways and some questions have popped up, so I thought we'd take a look at some examples here today. Before we dive in though, let's do a quickie review. Simply put, a stitch...
Needlepoint Stitch Pathways – Why You Need To Know
Do you know what needlepoint stitch pathways are? (It's okay if you don't - that's what we're gonna talk about here today.) Before we dive into this week's topic, though, let's start by defining stitch diagrams. A stitch diagram is...
Frogging the Pumpkin: An “AHA” Moment
Hi there! I hope you're having a happy Tuesday! It's finally starting to feel like fall here in Tuscaloosa. In fact, I spent some time out on my newly screened-in porch yesterday. Wanna know what I was doing? Frogging the...
A Needlepoint Stitch For Dazzling Dresses
Hi there! Are you ready for our final stop on this encore Threadventure tour? Terrific! Hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me and we'll take our magical virtual vacation tour bus to lavish Las Vegas. Bright lights, sparkling costumes, spectacular talent, and...
A Needlepoint Stitch For Skies
Hi there! Are you ready for this week's stop on our encore Threadventure tour? Hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me and we'll take our magical virtual vacation tour bus to our next stop - the magnificent Grand Canyon! We're expecting beautiful...
A Needlepoint Stitch for Houses
Hello there, lovely! Are you ready for this week’s destination on our encore Threadventure tour? Terrific! Hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me and we’ll take our magical virtual vacation tour bus to our next stop, beautiful New Orleans! Wondering what we'll...
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