the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.

the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.
Stitching Hearts for Hospice
Do you know about Hearts for Hospice? Well, my friend, pour yourself a cup of tea and let me share a little about it with you... When I first heard about Hearts for Hospice, I was blown away. How so?...
Composition: Needlepoint Canvases and Fine Art
Do you know that a canvas designer uses the very same elements and principles of art and design on cotton mono canvas that a painter might use on one of their watercolor or oil compositions? In fact, your hand-painted needlepoint...
A complete and total failure…
In the spring of 2004, I attempted to write my very first stitch guide for a needlepoint canvas. If a stitch fit into an area, I stuck it there - and what I ended up with was a mishmash of...
Five Tips for Using Silk Thread on Your Needlepoint Projects
Stitching with silk thread is one of my guilty pleasures when it comes to my needlepoint hobby. Now, don't get me wrong. I adore cotton, linen, wool, metallic, and novelty threads, too, but there's just something about silk... Read more
How to Anchor Your Thread
Starting a new thread can be soooo confusing! If you find yourself wondering where to start or how to anchor your thread, then you're in the right place, my friend! I'm going to share a few of my favorite tips...
Learn to Needlepoint
So, you want to learn to needlepoint? Well, my friend, you're in the right place. You see, I've been a stitcher for a reeaaalllly long time. My grandmother taught me how to do the continental tent stitch when I was...
How to Create a Needlepoint Stitch Notebook
Stitches, stitches, and more stitches! Oh. My. STARS! There are soooo many canvas embroidery stitches that you can use to embellish your hand-painted needlepoint canvases. So, how do you keep them all straight? Create a stitch notebook, of course! And...
#Stitch20in20 Challenge
Happy New Year! Last week's post, all about setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals and habits, sets the stage for this week's post. Cue the drumroll, please... This week, I'm issuing a challenge to you - the #Stitch20in20 Challenge! Read more
S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals and Habits
Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I used to... but not anymore! Instead, I make S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals - and this year, I'm committing to changing some of my habits, too. Wondering what the heck S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals are? Read more
Needlepoint TV™
Do you dream of a place where you can get the answers to your needlepoint questions? Would you L-O-V-E to get the scoop on the latest and greatest needlepoint gadgets, tools, accessories, canvases, and threads? Are you always on the...
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