the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.

the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.
Did You Know That Needlepoint Is Benefitting Your Brain?
There's just something so satisfying about picking up your tapestry needle and watching the design on your painted canvas come to life, stitch by beautiful stitch. And, my friend, I have some extra good news for you: while you're creating...
A Needlepointer’s Guide to Slow Stitching
As we settle into 2025, you may find yourself yearning for moments of peace and creativity in your busy life. If you cherish your needlepoint hobby as much as I do, I invite you to join me in deepening our...
The Needlepoint Journey
When I first began my needlepoint journey, I had no idea that needlepoint would become a lifelong hobby, let alone my vocation! I'm so thankful that it did, though. Read more
3 Essential Tips for Organizing and Storing Your Needlepoint Thread
I love pretty thread! In fact, I have so many different kinds of thread that I'm re-organizing them this summer so that they're easier to access. If you're in the boat with me, then you're definitely going to want to...
The Summer of Needlepoint UFOs…
It's time to tie up some loose ends (teehee) with my needlepoint, so I'm declaring this the "Summer of UFOs"! No, not flying saucers from outer space... the kind of UFOs that lurk in the back of your craft closet....
All About The Serendipity Stitch
Ready to explore another terrific stitch you can use on your needlepoint projects? Terrific! Today, we're taking a closer look at the serendipity stitch... Read more
Two Strategies For Creating Beautiful Backgrounds On Your Needlepoint Projects
Mastering Backgrounds On Your Needlepoint Projects Today, we're diving into the world of backgrounds on your needlepoint projects. As a needlepoint artist, you know that the background can make or break your project. It's not just about the focal point;...
Dyeing To Know How Threads Get Their Color?
If you're at all like me, one of your favorite things about needlepoint is all of those gorgeous threads. You probably don't think much about how your needlepoint threads got to be the colors they are, though, do you? I...
All About Pepper Pot Silk Thread
I've long been a fan of Pepper Pot Silk. It's a luscious single strand spun silk thread from Planet Earth Fiber. (That means it's not divisible!) It's made from Chinese silk. It comes in a skein and there are 30...
Decorative Stitch Deep Dive: All About The Woven Plait Stitch
A-tisket, a-tasket, a green and yellow basket… who’s ready for spring? I sure am! Here in Alabama, the azaleas are blooming and the trees are beginning to sprout new leaves. Inspired by the season, I have the perfect stitch to...
3 Awesome Ways to Anchor Your Thread For Open Needlepoint Stitches
Anchoring your thread when you're using open stitches can be a little daunting - especially if you're new to using them on your projects. Read more
All About the Parisian Stitch
Colorful cardinals. Chipper chickadees. Playful penguins. What do they all have in common? Why, they’re birds, of course. And they just happen to be birds that you often see on winter-themed canvases. Since we’re smack dab in the middle of...
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