February is National Embroidery Month…
And that just makes me wanna do a happy dance. All month long, we get to celebrate stitching. YAY!!! (Cue musica!)
Dust off your needles, pull out your threads, and let’s embroider something!
Wait, were you thinking embroidery was just this…
Oh no, dear friend. Actually, embroidery is…
“the art of working raised and ornamental designs in threads of silk, cotton, gold, silver, or other material, upon any woven fabric, leather, paper, etc., with a needle”.
That’s the Dictionary.com definition, but I think they pretty much nailed it, don’t you?
Under the umbrella of embroidery, you’ll find needlepoint, canvas work, counted cross-stitch, Hardanger, blackwork, crazy quilting, crewel, goldwork, silk ribbon embroidery, and so much more!
Now, before all you knitters and crocheters tune me out…
Did you know that you can embellish your hand mades with stitchery? It’s true! Simple motifs can dress up even the most basic garments and accessories, not to mention home decor. Never tried it? Now’s your chance!
Stick with me all month and I’ll show you the basics, so you can try your hand at it yourself.
Deal? Great!
Here’s a picture to inspire you…
Are you ready to stitch?
Since we’re celebrating, I think we should pull out all the stops. Let’s make a pact – one where we commit to stitch a little every single day, no matter what kind of embroidery you like to do best.
Then, share your pictures on the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook page here. Be sure and use our hashtag #serendipitystitcher, so I can find all of them.
Oh, and be sure to tag Serendipity Needleworks, too. Not sure how tags work? Click here for a quick “how-to” article that explains it.
And don’t forget Instagram! You can tag us when you’re posting your picture (click here for instructions, if you need some help) – or, you can let us know by typing @serendipityneedleworks in the comments. Just click on the little speech bubble and a comment box will pop up for you. 🙂
I’m gonna need your help…
spreading the word about our celebration. Be sure and tell all your stitching buddies how they can join the fun, because I have some surprises up my sleeve and, well – the more, the merrier, right?!
Hey, why don’t I go ahead and share one with you now?
Here goes…
Comment on any one of my February 2018 blog posts this month, and you’ll be entered to win a Happy Hearts thread bouquet from our friends at Rainbow Gallery. (The winner will be randomly chosen on February 28, 2018.)
So…what’s your favorite?
Don’t be shy! Tell me what your favorite kind of embroidery is – right down there in that little comment box. Oh, and tell me who taught you to stitch, too. I L-O-V-E hearing from you – and I read every single one of your notes. Pinky promise!
I can’t wait to see what you have to say – and you’ll be entered to win a terrific prize, too! 🙂
Until next time, happy stitching!

Hi, Ellen. My mother taught me how to knit when I was about 8 years old. She also tried to teach me how to crochet, but my granny squares looked a little warped, so I taught myself how to crochet many years later. I also taught myself how to sew, as the sewing machines at school would always swallow my thread in the bobbins, so I was hopeless at school! My mother started me off on needlepoint projects by having me stitch the background to her work. My first embroidery project for school was a clown on a sewing bag that my mother finished for me by stitching the French Knots for his eyes! My grandmother used to cross stitch stamped tablecloths, so I used to watch her, and later did and still do counted cross stitch (I hate stamped cross stitch!) Cheers! El ????
Hi El! Thanks so much for sharing that with me. 🙂 My mother knows how to crochet and she can do beautiful embroidery, but her hobby isn’t stitching. She’s a genealogy buff. I learned how to embroider, needlepoint, crochet, and sew from my grandmothers – and my great aunt taught me how to knit. Don’t we have some wonderful memories? Teaching and sharing with others is a large part of the joy that comes with stitching, for me.
cross stitch as my Grand mother taught me. She never used a pattern on the material, she counted the threads. Amazing work she did
Hi Lorraine – and WOW! She was truly gifted. 🙂 I hope you have some of her work. Thanks for sharing with me. 🙂
Hi Ellen, I’ll be trying your recipe???? My Grandmother’s both Where crochet’rs. I learned sewing early in in Girls Scouts and my Textiles background developed into Embroidery then Needlepoint in my 30’s. Now 25 years later I am self taught and enjoying your new group! Mine and my Mothers Dng. Room walls are full! Happy Valentines month to you!
Hi Carrie! I’m glad the recipe sounds good to you…it reeaaalllly is delicious! I’m so glad to find another embroiderer! 😉 And I’m also tickled pink that you’re enjoying The Stitcher’s Club. That makes me smile. 🙂 Oooooh – and please share pictures of some of your work in our Facebook group, if it’s not too much trouble.
My mother taught me what we think of traditional embroidery. She loved to work with needle and thread on anything. She was a famous quilter. My high school friend Sandy Jenkins taught me how to needlepoint. I thought it was going in one hole and out the other. Boring! But she taught me all the ways the use the “fun” stitches. I fell in love.
Oh wow, Ginger…what a treat to have been taught needlepoint by Sandy. 🙂 HAHA…I love your comment about needlepoint and going in one hole and out the other…I had a customer one time who called it stuffing holes with yarn. I’ve never forgotten that – and I still chuckle whenever I think about it because you’re right, it’s so much more than that!
And how special to share your love of needlework with your mom. I’d love to see pictures of her quilts. My aunt was a quilter and I’ve tried it, but other things have my heart right now. I still love to see them, though. 😉
Dear Ellen,
Shortly after reading your latest blog post this morning, I came across a very interesting post on Facebook. I thought you might be interested in it as well. I had never heard of “outsider art” until I read this. I was most interested to see the role our humble craft played in defining a symbol of the movement.
Best to you,
Anne Swager
Hi Anne! Thanks for sharing the link. I can hardly wait to hop over and read the article. Have a happy day! 🙂
My favorite embroidery technique is all of them! I just love to stitch. I learned embroidery when I was about 10 year old at the “embroidery club” at school. The first project I did was a little purple needlepointed owl, and I still have him. I’ve had a needle and thread in my hands every since.
Hi Lisa! Thank you for sharing your memories with me. We are definitely kindred spirits – my favorite embroidery technique is all of them, too! 😉 Please share a picture of your owl with us on the Facebook page, if it’s not too much trouble. 🙂
I like counted stitch embroidery. I don’t care if it is on linen or canvas or cross-stitch fabric. I just enjoy learning and making the different kinds of stitches.
Hi Sharon! Learning new things is always fun, isn’t it? I’d love to see pictures of some of your projects if it’s not too much trouble. You can share them on the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook page by clicking here.
Hi Ellen,
My grandmother taught me needlepoint when I was 15. That was 40 years ago and I still love it. She always stitched background of pre-stitched design canvases. A high school friend’s mother showed me there was so much more to needlepoint and it has been a life long love affair.
I look forward to your blog and to learning new stitches.
Hi Lana!
What a special memory! My grandmother taught me to do needlepoint, too. Weren’t we lucky to have such precious grands? And I love that your friend’s mom flung open the doors to the endless possibilities of our awesome hobby. That’s pretty special, too!
I look forward to sharing lots more fun stitch-y stuff with you.
Thanks for taking the time to write. I’m so happy to have you as part of the Serendipity family.
Hi Ellen! I started working with needle and threads when I was very young through little kits. I would read the instructions for a stitch and just try doing it. My grandmother taught me to knit when I was about 8. I took sewing lessons in Jr. High and made many of my clothes. By high school and college I became preoccupied with other activities. It was after college when my grandmother was working on needlepoint that I took an interest in what she was doing. She got me started. Back then I only knew the Continental stitch. Well, 40 years later (family, teaching and life), I’m back learning about all the beautiful decorative stitches and gorgeous threads we have to choose from! I’m working this “mature” brain and enjoying this adventure immensely! Thank you for nurturing this passion! ❤️
Hi Pam!
How nice to hear from you! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It sounds very much like mine, although I didn’t get the sewing bug until our daughter, Rebekah, was born. Then, I went nuts! I made most of her clothes. 😉
I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying needlepoint again. There’s so much to learn that I know I’ll never be able to absorb it all, but it sure is fun trying!
We have so many fun things in store for 2020! It’s going to be the best needlepoint year EVER!
Again, thank you for taking the time to write. I sincerely appreciate it!
Ellen 🙂